Wilma !

The account is still Frozen , Blocked , Locked , Fucked at my end !
If you don’t know or care how we suffer
How can my complaint improve your Customer Sevice ?
You can not run an international Bank from the Bowels
of a Blood SportsMan .

a Confliction of contradictions
the ever enchanting Wilma
the only one brave enough to give her name !
Before she said I no need form !
call the call centre !
what about that sana whore hanging up on me !
they want me to call them !
again !
thats all Ive done for 3 months now !

this letter was most likely written on a computer
… why cant we just do this by email

Auntie (pronounced Anti )
Runs a clip joint in Jerusalem , clipping foreskins .The Jews walk in the front , Muslims back side ,
all the clippings go in the same Bin ,
In the evening she fries them in Pig fat , sells them to Christians ,
Best bacon butties in Palestine from The River to the sea .
She doesnt clip Girls , Why would You ? ) , the african woman down the road does .
Auntie will clip any Dick Tom or Harry , she hardly looks them in the face – Stupid men .

Some say she escaped from a Russian Brothel , walked with Jesus on the water ,
threw stones with david , fasted with Allah .
Some say She ran the Brothel .

She was raped by the Devil , and birthed Solomon the first Jew
The devil raped her again
Her children incested and the bastards took the holy land

and did a runner when solomon raped his mother and the temple destroyed .
During the Intifada Solomon Buggered little Arab Boys as the
jewish defence force (jdf) killed them (Necrofilic Paediofilism)

She birthed a Girl Child , not fathered by the Devil ,
a Girl called Ganja , but thats another story ..
Auntie (pronounced Anti )


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